There are about one thousand Jews living in Turin. Our story is the story of a community made up mostly of intellectuals, writers, liberals, and businesspeople, who live under the shadow of a glorious past and an unknown future. Italy itself has a serious demographic problem, a fact that strongly impacts its Jewish communities too. The Turin community suffers especially from this problem: In the past forty years, its population has shrunk by half. The members of the community offer a moving description of how they are trying to hold onto the remnants of the past, along with their almost desperate efforts to keep hold of the generation of the future.
This is the story of a community with a glorious past, located in one of the most beautiful and picturesque cities in the world, in a country abounding with art, intoxicating fragrances, and tastes.
This is the story of the Jewish community of Turin. A film by Avital Merkler. Watch it now on FLC+